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膚安寧-沙棘籽油(外用) 100% Organic Seabuckthorn Seed Oil

膚安寧-沙棘籽油(外用) 100% Organic Seabuckthorn Seed Oil


「衍星體健」膚安寧10ml (外用高濃度治療級沙棘籽油)

100% Organic Seabuckthorn Seed Oil


成分: 100% 高原野生沙棘籽油


  • 選用100% 高原野生沙棘種籽
  • 採用超臨界CO2萃取技術提煉,確保最多活性元素保留沒被破壞
  • 純天然,無添加任何色素,防腐劑及化學成份
  • 舒緩濕疹,牛皮癬等慢性皮膚炎症,迅速修復受損肌膚,快速止痕



  • 改善舒缓舒緩濕疹,牛皮癬等慢性皮膚炎症
  • 快速止痕癢
  • 迅速修復受損創傷肌膚
  • 能有效止血
  • 適用於燒傷,割傷,囇傷及跌傷等
  • 改善面上痘痘
  • 消炎抗敏感
  • 蚊叮蟲咬,皮膚感染
  • 減退色班及疤痕色素





「膚安寧」是多用途的天然肌膚修護油,可於創傷緊急時使用,亦可用於每天護膚去班去皺等,是每個家庭必備的天然肌膚護理產品。適用於任何膚質及年齡人仕(包括嬰兒) 使用,對改善寵物如家貓家犬的皮膚問题亦十分安全有效。



治療舒緩: 塗適量於患處次數不限

護理肌膚: 每晚潔面後使用

保存方法: 存放於陰涼陽光照射不到的地方,如室內溫度高於25 度,應存放於雪櫃內以減慢活性營養流失


原產地: 中國


Ingredient: 100% Wild-Grown Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil 

Starnergy Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil is an esthetician who provides all dimensional skin care for your families. The most effective natural oil for repairing and protecting skin.


It is restorative, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and regenerative.

The core ingredient of “Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil” is 100 % natural Sea buckthorn seed oil that has been scientifically and clinically proven to have special natural bioactive substances with a strong antifungal property. It can significantly improve the circulation and metabolic functions of epidermis and skin capillary, as well as promote epithelial tissue regeneration and granulation tissue growth. It also has body membrane repairing and anti-inflammatory properties, which quickly repair damaged skin tissue and scars, and are good for skin repair and nutrition. “Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil” reduces patients’ skin secretions significantly and speeds up the healing of skin wound. It is applied to skin damages for all ages including Children.


Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil Amplifies Your Comfort and Ease




“Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil” is the one of great home remedies and natural cures for all daily wounds and skin cares. Its core ingredient, Sea buckthorn seed oil, contains more than 100 kinds of nutrition substances needed by skin, and can quickly repair various wounds and skin problems including:

Daily uses:    insect bites, skin erosion, fungal infections (corn & Hong Kong Foot), radiation damages, sunburn, chronic dermatitis (eczema), chilblains, external hemorrhoids, skin ulcers and other skin damages caused by malnutrition; it also has good bacteriostatic efficacy.


  • Traumatic uses: injury from fall, cuts, scald, frostbites and burn, especially for second-degree and third-degree burns.
  • Beauty uses: It repairs new scars and speed up wound healing; eases sensitivity and trauma caused by optical beauty; applies to acne and chloasma.
  • Pediatrics uses: eczema, urine rash, red buttocks, and other skin infections.
  • Special uses: external application to radiation treatment of cancer, quickly repairs radiation burns, and greatly mitigate the radiation damage to body.


The Efficacies and Properties of “Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil”

- Quickly repairs the damaged skin and scar tissues

- Strong bacteriostatic efficacy

  • - Significantly improves the circulation and metabolic functions of epidermis and skin capillary
  • - Promotes epithelial tissue regeneration and granulation tissue growth
    • - Strong body membrane repair efficacy
  • - Sharp drop-off of skin secretions
  • - Applied to skin damages for all ages including infants.
  • - Helps relieve symptoms of rosacea, eczema, acne and dermatitis
  • - 100% natural ingredients
  • 保存方法: 存放於陰涼處陽光照射不到的地方,如室內温度高於25 “C,應存放於雪櫃內以減慢活性營養流失

    注意事項: 如口唇有損傷也可以使用,因沙棘籽油是可以安全內服的,但「膚安寧」是外用產品,少量內服並沒有問题,並不建議內服此產品。

淨額購物滿HKD300 即可享免費送貨服務 FREE for net purchase HK$300 or over


tel: 2328 3332

自取點提貨: 九龍新蒲崗雙喜街17號富德工業大廈16樓C&D室

營業時間:  星期一至五 09:30 - 18:00; 星期六 09:30 - 12:00; 星期日及公眾假期休息

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