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紐西蘭25%麥蘆卡樹油 25% Strong East Cape East Cape Manuka Oil

紐西蘭25%麥蘆卡樹油 25% Strong East Cape East Cape Manuka Oil

HK$245.00 一般價格

紐西蘭25%麥蘆卡樹油 25% Strong East Cape East Cape Manuka Oil10ml


由22%的Manuka Oil與3%的檸檬桃金孃/茶樹/薰衣草油混合而,適用於的腳部和後跟的裂痕。它也可以用作油性和暗瘡皮膚的暗瘡印。 10毫升滴頭瓶非常適合放在急救箱中或汽車或摩托車的儲物箱中。


Customers particularly report successful use of Strong East Cape Manuka Oil for athletes foot and also for cracked heels. It is also used as a spot treatment for oily and pimply skin. The 10ml dripulator bottle is ideal to keep in the first aid kit or in the storage compartment of the car or motorbike.

Strong Manuka Oil is 22% Manuka Oil with 3% Lemon Myrtle / Tea Tree / Lavender Oil blend in a base of Sweet Almond Oil.


    淨額購物滿HKD300 即可享免費送貨服務 FREE for net purchase HK$300 or over


    tel: 2328 3332

    自取點提貨: 九龍新蒲崗雙喜街17號富德工業大廈16樓C&D室

    營業時間:  星期一至五 09:30 - 18:00; 星期六 09:30 - 12:00; 星期日及公眾假期休息

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