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Treemendus -有機茶樹精油Organic Tea Tree Essential Oil

Treemendus -有機茶樹精油Organic Tea Tree Essential Oil


有機茶樹精油Organic Tea Tree Essential Oil 25ml


  • 成分:100%茶樹有機精油


  • 茶樹精油素以強力淨化功效而聞名,具有高效抗菌功能,包括細菌、黴菌、及感染等等,有助去暗瘡;幫助舒緩呼吸道感染問題。並十分適合用於改善香港腳、灰甲、皮癬等皮膚感染問題


  • 精油的建議使用方法:

薰香吸入法: 透過香薰機/擴香器,將精油的香氣吸份子散播在指定的空間中,配合不同功效的精油使用,可營造出不同的氛圍和功能。

浸浴法: 建議一般成人最多可加入 5 滴油於浴缸中,由於精油不浴於水,可先將精油混合於基底沐浴露或基底植物油中使用。

直接吸入法: 建議一般成人可加入4-6滴精油於約在一碗滾燙的熱水中,並慢慢吸呼,以吸入依附於水蒸氣中的精油份子。



Tea Tree oil is steam-distilled from the leaves of this shrub or small tree. The therapeutic actions of Tea Tree have been well documented and this oil is a must for your first aid kit. Tea Tree has impressive antiseptic, antifungal and antiviral properties, making it widely used in the treatment of many skin conditions. Safety Information: Possibly sensitising in some individuals.

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