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Sister Bees -蜂蜜寶貝修復軟膏 Gently Restores Baby's Skin

Sister Bees -蜂蜜寶貝修復軟膏 Gently Restores Baby's Skin


蜂蜜寶貝修復軟膏 Gently Restores Baby's Skin (2oz.)

  • 嬰兒的皮膚如此柔軟。當發生尿布疹,嬰兒濕疹時,為您寶貴的小孩提供最好的,無化學物成分的皮膚修復軟膏。
  • 蜂蠟具有抗菌作用,可以抑制細菌的生長,同時提供天然的刺激性屏障。蜜蜂寶寶還含有維生素E,薰衣草和茶樹,健康嬰兒皮膚的天然成分。




Bee Baby gently restores baby's skin! Babies have such snugly, soft skin.  When diaper rash, baby eczema, or even cradle cap happens, we can help with the best, chemical-free product for your precious little ones, Bee Baby. Beeswax is antibacterial, which means it inhibits the growth of the bacteria while offering a natural barrier from irritants.  Bee Baby also contains vitamin E, lavender, and tea tree, natural ingredients for healthy baby's skin. 


*When introducing any new product to your little one's skin, first test a small amount on their leg or arm to make sure they don't have a reaction. Not recommended for children under 3 months old.


    淨額購物滿HKD300 即可享免費送貨服務 FREE for net purchase HK$300 or over


    tel: 2328 3332

    自取點提貨: 九龍新蒲崗雙喜街17號富德工業大廈16樓C&D室

    營業時間:  星期一至五 09:30 - 18:00; 星期六 09:30 - 12:00; 星期日及公眾假期休息

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