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Sister Bees -密歇根蜂蜜山羊牛奶皂 Michigan Honey Goat's Milk Soap

Sister Bees -密歇根蜂蜜山羊牛奶皂 Michigan Honey Goat's Milk Soap


密歇根蜂蜜山羊牛奶皂 Michigan Honey Goat's Milk Soap 127g


  • 採用滋養成分製成,天然純淨,無香味和無色的
  • 補充一天中失去的寶貴水分, 使皮膚恢復活力。 溫和舒緩的蜂蜜香氣,不太濃烈
  • 敏感皮膚/兒童也適用


Sister Bees Michigan Honey Goat Milk Soap is specifically crafted with nourishing ingredients to benefit even the most sensitive of skin. This soap continues to revitalize your skin replacing valuable moisture that is lost throughout the day. It has a lovely, mild aroma of honey that isn't too strong. This is our most gentle, soothing bar, making it a perfect choice for children as well.  Michigan honey soap is naturally pure, unscented, and uncolored.

    淨額購物滿HKD300 即可享免費送貨服務 FREE for net purchase HK$300 or over


    tel: 2328 3332

    自取點提貨: 九龍新蒲崗雙喜街17號富德工業大廈16樓C&D室

    營業時間:  星期一至五 09:30 - 18:00; 星期六 09:30 - 12:00; 星期日及公眾假期休息

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