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Nature's Superfoods 有機優質卡姆果粉 Organic Premium Camu-Camu Berry Powder

Nature's Superfoods 有機優質卡姆果粉 Organic Premium Camu-Camu Berry Powder

HK$169.00 一般價格

 有機優質卡姆果粉 Organic Premium Camu-Camu Berry Powder 100g


成分:100% 有機 Camu-Camu 漿果粉



Nature's Superfoods 的有機優質 Camu-Camu 粉來自亞馬遜雨林。它是所有水果中維生素 C 含量最高的一種(實驗室報告)(按重量計),為 7-10%。 Camu-Camu 粉有多種等級,我們選擇了優質等級,因為僅使用漿果的皮和果肉製成粉末;種子(缺乏維生素 C)被丟棄。維生素 C 含量集中在漿果的皮和果肉中。因此,我們的 Camu-Camu 粉要貴一點,但每一茶匙您都能獲得更多的維生素 C。

傳統上,在秘魯,酸性 Camu-Camu 漿果被製成果汁食用,以改善免疫系統、對抗病毒感染並保持最佳的眼睛、皮膚和牙齦健康。 Camu 最顯著的營養價值在於它的維生素 C 含量,按重量計算,維生素 C 的含量是橙子的 30-50 倍。

CAMU-CAMU:除了異常高含量的維生素 C 之外,Camu-Camu 粉還含有全系列的天然抗氧化劑、氨基酸(如絲氨酸、纈氨酸和亮氨酸)和生物類黃酮(如槲皮素、蘆丁、鞣花酸、兒茶素、黃酮醇等)促進維生素 C 在體內的最佳吸收。 Camu 還含有多種其他重要的維生素和礦物質,包括鈣、鐵、磷、鉀、菸酸(維生素 B3)、核黃素(維生素 B2)和硫胺素(維生素 B1)。漿果的表皮也包含在未加工的 Camu 粉中,富含抗氧化劑,如 β-胡蘿蔔素和花青素。

Camu-Camu Berry 粉的好處超過了許多其他主要含有分離抗壞血酸的維生素 C 補充劑。生卡姆果粉是一種全食物,含有全譜天然抗氧化劑、氨基酸(如絲氨酸、纈氨酸和亮氨酸)和生物類黃酮(如槲皮素、蘆丁、鞣花酸、兒茶素、黃酮醇),可促進維生素 C 在體內的最佳吸收。

Camu-Camu 粉是補充我們日常所需的天然維生素 C 的絕佳而便捷的方式。

只需 25 公斤整個卡姆卡姆漿果即可生產 1 公斤卡姆卡姆原粉。

植物學名稱:Myrciaria dubia

有關有機 Camu-Camu 粉的更多常見問題,請單擊此處。






Camu-Camu 粉的味道又酸又苦。因此,它最適合用於可以掩蓋粉末味道的食譜,例如柑橘汁、蜂蜜水、冰沙或味道濃郁的食譜。如果您不喜歡苦味,只需一次使用 1/2(半)茶匙。

1) 將1/2 -1 茶匙(2-4g) 粉末混合到蜂蜜水、冰沙、果汁、調味品、甜點等中。不適合高溫食譜。

2) 在酸奶、格蘭諾拉麥片或生甜點上撒一點粉,以補充您每天所需的維生素 C

建議每日攝入量: 一茶匙(4 克) - 提供超過 200 毫克的全譜維生素 C。如果您患有感冒/病毒感染/流感,則增加至 2 茶匙(每天 8 克)。


INGREDIENTS: 100% Organic Camu-Camu Berry powder 

Certified organic: USDA and EU

- Raw
- Vegan
- Gluten free
- Low GI
- Non-GMO
- No Added Sugar/ Additives

Nature’s Superfoods’ Organic Premium Camu-Camu Powder comes from the Amazon rainforest. It contains one of the highest Vitamin C content of 7-10% (lab report) among all fruits (by weight). There are various grades of Camu-Camu Powder and we have chosen the premium grade because only the skin and pulp of the berries are used to make the powder; the seeds (deficient of Vitamin C) are discarded.The Vitamin C content is concentrated in the skin and pulp of the berries. Hence our Camu-Camu powder costs a little more, but you get so much more Vitamin C with every teaspoon.

Traditionally, in Peru, the sour Camu-Camu berries are made into a juice for consumption to improve the immune system, fight viral infections and to maintain optimal eye, skin and gum health. Camu’s most notable nutritional benefit is in its vitamin-C content, which is about 30-50 times more vitamin C than an orange by weight. 

CAMU-CAMU: On top of the unusually high amount of Vitamin C, Camu-Camu Powder contains a full spectrum of naturally-occurring antioxidants, amino acids (such as serine, valine, and leucine) and bioflavonoids (such as quercetin, rutin, ellagic acid, catechins, flavonols, among others) which promote the optimal absorption of Vitamin C in the body. Camu also has a variety of other important vitamins and minerals, including Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Potassium, niacin (Vitamin B3), riboflavin (Vitamin B2), and thiamin (Vitamin B1). The skin of the berries, which are in raw Camu powder as well, are rich in antixoxidants like beta-carotenes and anthocyanins.

The benefits of Camu-Camu Berry powder outweigh many other Vitamin C supplement pills which contain mainly isolated ascorbic acid. Raw Camu-Camu Berry Powder is a whole food containing a full spectrum of naturally-occurring antioxidants, amino acids (such as serine, valine, and leucine) and bioflavonoids (such as quercetin, rutin, ellagic acid, catechins, flavonols) which promote the optimal absorption of Vitamin C in the body.

Camu-Camu powder is an excellent and convenient way to top up our daily requirements of natural vitamin-C.

It takes 25kg of whole Camu-Camu berries to produce just 1kg of Raw Camu-camu powder.

Botanical name: Myrciaria dubia

Health Benefits

Additional Benefits

Strong anti-inflammatory benefits
Restores/Maintains eye health (beta-carotene & anthocyanins)
Lifts mood (support proper Serotonin, reduce stress hormone cortisol)
How To Enjoy:

The taste of Camu-Camu powder is sour-ish and bitter. Hence it is best used in recipes which can mask the taste of the powder for example in citrusy juices, honey water, smoothies or recipes which have a strong flavor. Just use 1/2 (half) teaspoon at a time if you do not like it bitter. 

1) Mix 1/2 -1 teaspoon (2-4g) powder into honey water, smoothies, juices, dressing, desserts, etc. No suitable for high-heat recipes.

2) Sprinkle a little powder on top of yoghurt, granola or raw desserts to top up your daily Vitamin C requirement

Recommended daily intake: One teaspoon (4g) - provides more than 200mg of full-spectrum Vitamin C. Increase to 2 teaspoons (8g a day) if you are coming down with a cold/viral infection/flu.

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