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Thurlby -澳洲消臭芳香門擋 Aromatic Door Stop 1個

Thurlby -澳洲消臭芳香門擋 Aromatic Door Stop 1個


消臭芳香門擋 Aromatic Door Stop


門砰砰地敲打著? 沒有華麗的手工門擋。 丁香,迷迭香和檀香木為您的家帶來溫暖的感覺。 用各種面料縫製以適合任何家庭風格,為什麼不歡迎門鼠標進入您的家呢?




Doors slamming and banging? Not with a gorgeous handmade door stop. Bring a sense of warmth to your home with a blend of cloves, rosemary and sandalwood. Sewn in a range of fabrics to suit any home style, why not welcome a door mouse into your home?

Deliciously fragrant door stopper. Scented with clove buds, chips of sandalwood and rosemary leaf, this door stop is sure to add style to any room.


    淨額購物滿HKD300 即可享免費送貨服務 FREE for net purchase HK$300 or over


    Whatsapp: 2172 7808

    自取點提貨: 九龍新蒲崗雙喜街17號富德工業大廈16樓C&D室

    營業時間:  星期一至五 09:30 - 18:00; 星期六 09:30 - 12:00; 星期日及公眾假期休息

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