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Arganour -100%有機乳木果油 100% Pure Organic Shea Butter

Arganour -100%有機乳木果油 100% Pure Organic Shea Butter

HK$128.00 一般價格

100%有機乳木果油 100% Pure Organic Shea Butter


有機 BIO Arganour 乳木果油具有許多特性。來自中非和西非的熱帶稀樹草原,非洲和埃及的法老王后已經將這種天然化妝品用於皮膚護理,因為它具有緊緻和保濕功能,可以治療受損的頭髮以及用於按摩。

BIO 乳木果油以其對皮膚和頭髮的高保濕能力而聞名。它主要用於治療乾燥和受損的皮膚以及肘部和腳後跟的裂紋。它通過在皮膚上覆蓋一層隱形薄膜來防止脫水並保護其免受外部侵害,例如陽光、風或溫度的突然變化,從而確保對抗皮膚老化的預防效果。

如果您希望將 BIO 乳木果油與其他 Arganour 產品結合使用,您可能會對 100% 純有機認證的有機摩洛哥堅果油或 BIO 蓖麻油感興趣,它們對皮膚和頭髮具有極佳的保濕和再生能力。


BIO 乳木果油經過 CAAE 認證的純素食和 ECOCERT 和 CAAE 的有機認證,同樣在 Arganour,我們秉持無殘忍的理念,我們尊重環境,並在公平貿易的座右銘下工作。這些是我們想要分享並傳遞給我們社區的價值觀。尋找一個更可持續的世界和負責任的消費。


Organic BIO Arganour Shea butter has many properties. Coming from the savannas of Central and West Africa, the African and Egyptian Pharaonic queens already use this natural cosmetic for skin care given its firming and moisturizing function, the treatment of damaged hair as well as its application in massages.
BIO shea butter is known for its high hydrating power for both skin and hair. It is used mainly to treat dry and damaged skin as well as cracked elbows and heels. It ensures preventive effects to combat skin aging, it acts by covering the skin with an invisible film that prevents dehydration and protects it from external aggressions, such as the sun, wind or sudden changes in temperature.
If you are looking to combine BIO shea butter with other Arganour products, you may be interested in 100% pure organic certified organic argan oil or BIO castor oil, both with a great moisturizing and regenerating power for skin and hair.
BIO Shea butter is certified vegan by the CAAE and certified organic by ECOCERT and CAAE, also in Arganour we work with a cruelty free philosophy, we are respectful with the environment and we work under the motto of fair trade. These are the values ​​that we want to share and transfer to our community. Looking for a more sustainable world and responsible consumption.

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